What I worked on -
User Experience
Information architecture

With -
2 UX/UI Designers
2 Developers

In a world of endless choices, Telus aims to simplify TV channel selection for customers

With hundreds of channels to choose from, Telus customers find navigating daunting. Our team won 1st place for easing this process, enhancing the Telus TV user experience.

What I worked on -
User Experience
Information architecture

With -
2 UX/UI Designers
2 Developers

In a world of endless choices, Telus aims to simplify TV channel selection for customers

With hundreds of channels to choose from, Telus customers find navigating daunting. Our team won 1st place for easing this process, enhancing the Telus TV user experience.

What I worked on -
User Experience
Information architecture

With -
2 UX/UI Designers
2 Developers

In a world of endless choices, Telus aims to simplify TV channel selection for customers

With hundreds of channels to choose from, Telus customers find navigating daunting. Our team won 1st place for easing this process, enhancing the Telus TV user experience.


How might we help users create a TV bundle that has all their preferred channels?

We conducted a usability evaluation which revealed pain points such as slow loading times, complex navigation, and difficulty in managing channel selections.

“It’s too much. I’d probably give up halfway.”

"I was so surprised at the checkout! I lost track and ended up selecting way more than I needed for my plan. I had to go back and review my entire selection all over again..."

The sheer number of channels led to slow loading and rendering times

The sheer number of channels led to slow loading and rendering times

Browsing and selecting a single channel required multiple steps which results in a lengthy and tedious experience.

Browsing and selecting a single channel required multiple steps which results in a lengthy and tedious experience.

As a result, customers encountered frustration and dissatisfaction, leading to potential churn and revenue loss for TELUS.

As easy as 1,2,3

Streamline complex tasks into smaller steps using visual hierarchy and numbers. This reduces cognitive load and guides customers through the selection process.

Dropdown & Chips

Drop-down menus and category chips for efficient content access and optimized screen space, ensuring seamless navigation. The scalability of this new design also allows for future channel and step additions while maintaining functionality.

Refined the little details

By introducing a new card design with increased whitespace, we enhance the readability and scan—ability of these channels. A sticky bottom summary helps reduce cognitive load, serving as a reminder of user selection, empowering user control.


Collaboration, work enquires or just say hello. clarinne_ze@hotmail.com

Clarinne Tham © 2024 │ Made with ♥️

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Collaboration, work enquires or just say hello. clarinne_ze@hotmail.com

Clarinne Tham © 2024 │ Made with ♥️

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Collaboration, work enquires or just say hello. clarinne_ze@hotmail.com

Clarinne Tham © 2024 │ Made with ♥️

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